Doug and Mother's Day
Doug ensuring he himself doesn’t catch COVID-19 while treating patients.

Doug ensuring he himself doesn’t catch COVID-19 while treating patients.

As a child, I used to pour candles with my mother. At the time I did not realize how it would continue to influence me throughout my life and become my passion. I find it a way to calm and relax during busy times. After seeing patients in the emergency department for 12 hours straight, I come back to the studio and hand pour candles to unwind. 

As we approach Mother’s day, I’m reminded of my mother. We would gather up all the ingredients and co-create. She loved crafts and creativity and inspired me to continue throughout my life. 

This childhood hobby has become my passion and now a growing North Bay small business. My creative space in Marin County is a sanctuary and place of creative energy—and it is a place where I find myself today, making candles for all the mothers out there who inspire and lift us up.

Here’s to all the Mothers that continually shine so bright!

Doug Coomer